Our Desire for You

Saved Life | Prayer Life | Church Life

We all have a unique story to tell but at the same time we have a very similar story to tell. Our faith is both exclusive and inclusive and that enables us to share our stories so those stories continue to be a blessing to others. In our church community here at elimworthing we tell those stories through our saved life, prayer life and church life. At some point in time we experienced salvation, if this is not your experience yet then we want to help in whatever ways we can. We believe we maintain our salvation by our ongoing conversation with God through prayer and through that conversation we share in the mission of the church both internal and external. For all of us our stories are reflective of the work that the trinity continues to do in our world today.

Saved Life

Why Jesus?

Prayer is a reflection of where we place our faith We believe prayer is a fantastic and wonderful privilege We are grateful that prayer is not about what we can do but all about what God the Father has promised to do when we pray in Jesus name. We value and promote prayer because it keeps our heart tethered to heaven and leaves us open to heavens influence

Church Life

Why Church?

The church is the body of Christ and God’s active agent of redemption here on earth. The Holy Spirit enables the church to reflect Jesus and shows the world the transformative power of God through Jesus as people from all walks of life work together, love each other and reflect the Good News of the gospel in close community. It is through the church we are able to measure our progress and see God’s transformative power in our lives as we love and accept others. The church still remains God’s active agent for showing his love and enabling people to see Jesus