What is the Alpha Course?

The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non threatening manner over thought provoking weekly sessions. Each session we look at and discuss different topics, such as “Who is Jesus?” and “Why and how do I pray?” We also have a day away together.

What to expect

Our course runs over 10 weeks- you can just try the first one and see what you think.
Everyone’s welcome and there’s no pressure or charge.

Who could you invite to Alpha?

The #1 Reason people come to Alpha is because someone invited them. This is a great opportunity to help your friends and families explore faith. Each session is designed to engage and inspire conversation, explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions such as Who is Jesus? 

What happens during an
Alpha Course Session?

At the beginning of each session there is a cooked meal which gives you an opportunity to get to know others on the course. Then a talk is given about that week’s topic. After each talk we divide into small groups for a time of discussion.

Book your place

Join the Alpha Team

The Alpha Team has the vital task of preparing for and running the Alpha Courses
The Hospitality Team – who help prepare and serve the food, welcome and make guests feel at home and help clear up and set down.

The Small Group Team – who help host the guests, making them feel at ease, and help within the small groups, facilitating discussions following the talk/video.


If you are interested in helping us on the next or any subsequent Alpha Course, then please email us on or speak to Ermias, our coordinator.