The God of Creation

0:00 / 0:00 The normative teaching in our culture on the origin of the universe and life does not give any room for the divine. In popular culture and the media the same is the case. The theory of evolution is the norm for narrating the origin of things. The bible however presents a different […]
The Shepherd and Provider

0:00 / 0:00 What does it mean for our day to day lives that God is the shepherd of his people? This is an amazing and liberating truth for God’s people. What is the role of the shepherd independently of the sheep? and what is the responsibility of the sheep to the shepherd? How can […]
The Sovereign King

Who is the ultimate power in the universe today? Under whose authority should nations pledge their allegiance and under whose laws should nation and individual laws be built. The writer of psalms believes that this should be God and he proceeds in these psalms to tell us why God is sovereign over the affairs of […]