Cathy Burns

I want to focus on a few women who have had a particularly special impact on my faith:

Louise House

I always felt a close connection with my uncle. I was his first niece and as I got older and I had my youngest daughter,

Emmanuel Yambo

I came to Know about Jesus through my elder brother Edward when I was about 14 years old.

Matt Foord

Coming to faith ten years ago was a transformative experience for me, but my journey began long before that moment, thanks to my wife, Nicola.

Cynthia Gwokyalya

My Christian life over the years has been influenced by several people. Firstly, my mum who always took me to church every Sunday without fail.

Joseph Haggar

The most influential person in my Christian life is Phil, someone I met whilst I was studying at the University of York. This is primarily for two reasons.