Thank God for you
Short blogs written by members within our church giving personal testimonies relating to a special person who has been instrumental in their faith.

Cathy Burns
“I want to focus on a few women who have had a particularly special impact on my faith:
Firstly, my grandma. She had a close relationship with God, she knew her Bible and she spoke to him regularly in prayer. I knew this because she’d reference verses and Biblical wisdom in the letters she wrote to me over the years. I learned from her about the personal relationship we can have with God, the daily guidance he provides when we build our lives on his strong foundation, and that he is with us through every season.
Secondly, a woman called Jo from the church I attended with my family growing up. She would regularly share testimony and prophesy to the church during a service. I learned from her that God’s Spirit is real and alive in those who seek to be filled. How wonderful it is when Christians are willing to be messengers of his love and truth!
Thirdly, my friend Trudy who I met in a previous church in Hertfordshire before I moved to Worthing. She radiates Jesus in her steadfast gentleness, her love for people and her peaceful presence. Almost every real-life or text conversation we have she will reference Jesus’ goodness and grace or send me a link to a sermon or worship song. She reminds me that I can turn to Jesus time after time and there is always more to learn about him, and who we are in him.