At the heart of this series is the desire to discover or rediscover the reason and purpose of the church. It is an opportunity to remind ourselves of what the church was created for and why for over two thousand years the church has faced incredible challenges and still continues to survive, grow and metamorphose into what God designed it to be.

Oury prayer is that as you engage with this series through our Sunday morning teaching and through your small group discussions and personal reflections you will experience God’s heart for the church and discover the unique role that God wants for you in his local, national and worldwide church.

So what can you do to get the best out of this series – Here are seven important things you can do

Life is busy but sometimes it’s good to take a detour and ask ourselves ‘What does Jesus want me to know about his church?’ You might be pleasantly surprised by what you discover

2. BE PRESENT – Don’t assume you know everything about the church. Be present in the moment and you might experience something transformative and surprising

3. BE OPEN – Don’t limit yourself to the familiar. Be open to change and allow God to surprise you. You might be amazed at what you discover.

4. BE ENGAGING – Your relationship with God is a two way street. God wants to engage with you. Invest some time in this series and discover the amazing ways you can engage with God

5. BE PRAYERFUL – Even if you do nothing else, pray. Prayer is essential for connecting with God and receiving His guidance. Let prayer be your focus during this series

6. BE ADVENTUROUS – The church is a global movement fueled by ordinary people. Your journey is part of its ongoing adventure. Don’t be afraid to join the adventure and contribute to its mission.

7. BE EXPECTANT – Don’t settle for mediocrity. What do you want God to do for you during this series? Be expectant and watch him work wonders in your life