Thank God for you
Short blogs written by members within our church giving personal testimonies relating to a special person who has been instrumental in their faith.

Joseph Haggar
The most influential person in my Christian life is Phil, someone I met whilst I was studying at the University of York. This is primarily for two reasons.
Firstly, he was there for me during the most difficult period of my life. During my undergraduate study I had significant struggles with my own thoughts and mental health. Ultimately, this culminated in me temporarily dropping out of university and finishing my degree elsewhere. This was a particularly challenging time for me spiritually and I had a deep sense of anger towards God. However, Phil treated me like I was his own son. He let me stay round his family home, showed exceptional patience with me, and I fondly remember going round Rievaulx Abbey with Phil and Rachel (his wife). Phil and Rachel loved me and showed me God’s love in such a clear way that ultimately enabled me to see and understand God’s character. My anger was wholly unjustified and misplaced.
But, perhaps even more profoundly, Phil opened my eyes to the Word of God with such clarity and insight. This is particularly true for the Book of Mark. Phil and Rachel led a discussion group that worked through Mark’s Gospel called ‘Read, Mark, Learn’. There was nothing particularly mystical about the group, it was just a discussion group working through the gospel. Yet, the heart of God and the beauty of God’s word came through wholeheartedly. The links to the Old Testament, the breaking down of misconceptions, understanding the gospel on its own terms, and the underlying message of Mark were all revealed to me in a way like never before.
One, of many, points that has stuck with me is the invocation that Jesus makes on the cross of Psalm 22.
I would not be where I am spiritually, without Phil.