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Loving Kindness

One of the ways we can display love to those around us is by being kind to them. Love and kindness go together like bread and butter. You cannot love someone and be mean to them and it is a struggle to show kindness to someone you do not like, possible but challenging.

So for our July Campaign on ‘Being like Jesus’ we want to display Loving Kindness and our desire is to do ‘small acts with great love and kindness to change someone’s world’

“Be kind because every person you meet is carrying a great burden” This was a statement written in 1894 by Ian MacLaren, a noted Scotsman, author of “Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. It is a very perceptive view of humanity and it delves beneath the surface of most people’s lives.

The hiding from God that began in the story of human beings interaction with God in the first story of the bible in the book of Genesis seems to still prevail in human interaction with one another and also with God, we hide our real issues and pretend all is well and look down on those who aim to live authentically and share their needs as ‘the needy ones’.

Ian Maclaren states everyone you meet is carrying a burden, because of that ‘Be kind’ which also translates to display loving kindness towards others. 

When Jesus walked the earth he was full of the Holy Spirit and in his humanity Jesus leaned on the Holy Spirit to guide and lead him in all his actions. Jesus only started his ministry after he had been filled with the Holy Spirit and he encouraged his disciples to do the same

The presence of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ life motivated Him to do good to those who he came into contact with and God wants that to be our experience also. As we decide to be like Jesus and live like Jesus, the Holy Spirit then guides us to act like Jesus.

And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Acts 10:38

Our desire for July is to engage in random acts of kindness, go around doing good so people can experience God’s love through us so that they have the opportunity to catch a fragrance of Jesus and experience a taste of his love.


We want to engage in small acts done with great love and kindness to change someone’s world. This is about showing God’s love in practical ways and through our acts of kindness we become love in work clothes. So how can we do this and what can we do?

  • We want to plan a church wide kindness act
  • We want small groups to plan a loving kindness activity for someone, a group or a family
  • We want couples to see what they can do to show God’s love to others working together as a team
  • We want friends to join together and plan something to bless others
  • We want individuals to do small acts of kindness that makes a life changing impact on others

Below are just suggestions but the best idea you can have is the ones that God gives you either to do either spontaneously or well planned out.


A Neighbour

A stranger

An acquaintance

A friend

A church member

A family member

A special person in your life