The Christian life is a life of spiritual battle.
Many followers of Jesus believe the key to spiritual growth is prayer which means forces that do not want you to grow in your faith will do everything to stop you from praying. Jesus said by your love for one another people will know you are my disciple which means loving people is going to be a high level spiritual warfare.
As we journey through 2024 we want to be aware of the spiritual battle that we face but we also want to understand the weapons that God has placed at our disposal to combat these forces of darkness.
In our series titled ‘weapons of our warfare’ we want to explore the weapons that God has given us to pull down strongholds so we can flourish in our relationship with Himself and each other and fulfil the mission he has given us.
Our vision is to be a church where people flourish, growing in the knowledge and love of God and reaching out in the spirit of generosity.